seal- leather for universal joint pin
Flared Ferrule Fitting for fuel and oil lines to be silver soldered onto 5/16" OD tubing and used with nut E75980 also availible.
Nut for Flared Ferrule Fitting E76000 for fuel and oil lines to be silver soldered onto 5/16" OD tubing. Thread is 9/16" BSF.
Nut for Inverted Ferrule Fitting F75315 for fuel lines to be silver soldered onto 5/16" OD tubing. Thread is 1/2" x 24tpi
Banjo fitting for fuel lines and oil lines such as carburetor feed pipe, auto vac connection and some oil lines must be silver soldered on, fits 5/16" OD tubing 1/2" center opening
Seal- Bijur tank to firewall rubber fume seal. This part is actually a Post-War model part, however it is a good item to use on late Pre-War cars to help control fumes from entering the driver's compartment.
Starter drive retaining ring
Corrugated gasket for exhaust manifold to down pipe connection. Sold in pairs.
Steel disc external splined starter drive
Attach Badges to your Badge Bar and Dress up your car
Clutch disc starter drive
Fan Belt. Fits narrow pulleys used with four blade Phantom 3 as well.
Rubber pad set for screw that attaches firewall to scuttle
brass spade type terminal to be soldered on like original type, sold in sets of 6 only
Knob for instrument sliding light and ash tray. Threads onto a 1 1/6" x 16 TPI pull out. The OD is 1 1/2" and it is 9/16" high.
Ignition rotor. Reproduced to the later design style to prevent spark from traveling down to the rotor post. Fits late British Silver Ghost using smaller Rolls-Royce type distributor as well as other Pre-War six cylinder models. Also fits AJS and AMS Series left hand drive Phantom II but requires that the end contact finger is flipped over.
Spacer spherical for exhaust manifold to down pipe connection
Rubber Coupling Disc for dynamo drive and magneto drive
Aluminum Washers are great for sealing connections involving fuel, oil, and coolant. Included are the most common sizes found on most Rolls-Royce and Bentley motorcars. The sizes and quantities are listed in the extended information tab.
Torque reaction damper friction disc, sold in pairs
Crankshaft vibration damper liners, reproduced in material that has same working properties of the original cotton duck fabric
Fuse Wire Holder, While works with most series There are subtle differences please compare photos to yours or send an email to confirm including a photo of your fuse panel cover removed a Section of fuse wire will be included
Modern type Air Filter Element to replace original gauze type that fits in original air silencer box
Ignition Contacts for Late Phantom 1 and late 20hp on
Starter Brush Set
These are the springs that go inside the front axle and connect to the brake shafts. Sold in pairs for right and left.
Coil for Pre-War cars to mount on original pedistal with two studs. The appearance of this coil is subject to change.
Clip for Lucas bulb holder
F60895K Bijur Chassis Lubrication tank/pump rebuild kit for later Pre-War cars. Includes all perishable parts such as gaskets and filters